Univ. Klinik für Neurologie – Leitstelle 6A
A-1090 Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20
Tel.: (+ 43 1) 40400 – 31240
Fax: ( + 43 1) 40400 – 31440
Alternatively, an inquiry is also possible by email (Bewegungsstoerungen@meduniwien.ac.at) if the question is whether the patient is eligible for deep brain stimulation.
If there are no free appointments available, your data will be added to a waiting list and you will be contacted by phone as soon as there is a free appointment. The assignment to our special outpatient department takes place via the specialist for Neurology. At the first appointment, there is a detailed anamnesis, an initial examination and a review of any previous findings. Only after this date will a decision be made about the further course of action. If examinations and laboratory tests have already been carried out, please bring them with you to the first appointment. You should also bring a list of the medication you take regularly.
Please bring:
- Radiological or nuclear medicine examinations of the head (e.g. computer or magnetic resonance tomography, DaT-SPECT) - if possible, original images (preferably electronically or at least as a printout) and findings
- List of medications taken regularly